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The World from Coos Bay, Oregon • 2

The World from Coos Bay, Oregon • 2

The Worldi
Coos Bay, Oregon
Issue Date:
Extracted Article Text (OCR)


Fred Sasman DEMIST jtil I'lmne Til FOR ROOSEVELT, mii. i. 'll mai i iim rutiv mij in aihtu wilds agree ov kid isdi ikimk I Oil UN LIVE- STtH Itll-IRS rHOTKKT 111 III I' JL Ilil.S. WILSON I ItGLO TO HIM 10 IS VI II I KONT vmikh av 4oi.oits ri Sllii: ALTAI! AT ST. IAI l.S N0N-4TJTZEH Ml hr ItIKilvmt IN WAR I Esl'S la-nding Iinif.i- IIIM I of Oregon mill a-liington I i Miq.l.iiillei r- Chased Spent I'onr Years Exploring North, I ern Fields, I'rlm ipull) In 4 erland.

Cr. D. N. H-rydcn Offleo oxer I amo rs' Jv rtlmnca IS.111L, l'Miiille Off bo J.ln.iie, Ibm. Vol Wmil 4irrnmcnt lo I i Xl.ixiimim lrhe Lxeepl l-i't Resort ti tur T'mm 9 May J.

sborlill. retarv of the Xidiraaki t'o-i iper.imo Sr.nn and l.lvstorb A-so. I.iiion will depart for W'a'b-inpitin k'rblav as reiire-entatlve oi I lie Co-Op. rati VO (train I.hi.rluik Assoel illoas In eb'Vi'n Middle Ve -i-rn Mate- to pri'lo to lonpret-. bol.ll eteiili I'iei the ft.tiil bp! 1-t'on apaiiist flxlnp tin iiaitm'im for farm' ix.ept as a la I re-ort unless 1: eviibnt that the oonimodilv I-m the oontrol of a monopoly.

ITTI. Oil. IIIGHKIl Ivor I', S. Sol. I tor- I'roni I.ir4ii ip.ile ill oremonie.

(Mr Aa utni It, lu r'Mi fir Tin MiNlMIX. May Jo. Ii like aooihtr Aiii'-n. an day at St. hen tho dtlori of thi Aon rh an Ii pion in tho Canadian ronUnKvliU wore pi.

noil I the ri main until r-r the war Tln-i-were five flaps, ol.e I rolll 'l battalion. Th" HT" eooii.t! Itn lathedral by -ol iiii re 'I bo sal i.t- were aMended bv Amba--ador a'nl othe; Amerti ans. TALK 00 RATES 1 1 1 111-: Its ritoTINT ITtOIrtsEI, ADVANf ItV ItAII.W.WS Inier-tate losely to Commerce Commission Jnos ions )bje, tors Higher 'barges rOKTI.ANM). May nil. Ad-vamlng id cents a barrel more, so the market Is 11.43 a barrel, fuel office hours: nit Is causing steamboat and steam-' 4 and 1'by -ii Office: fti? Awmljtfr prr to Con Tlmcf WASHINGTON.

JO A ion of bliippera was toil; I dui-ti in the bearing before th-' 1 Commerce Commission to" 1 day on the railroad petition for a I lifteen per ci'iit increase in freight I rates. 1 of the Washington fruit 'and oilier inlerc ts was presented I by J. Curtis Kolnn-on and W. T. Clmk.

of the and I) tt. Caldertii'inl. of tin ililnio Commi- 1 .0 1 li luoMit I v. 1 in tin i in ot C- lit 1 1 I th Ui 4 out no a Jor 4 1 I i ih io If limit 1 Hi Wotli Cot litil44r. It b.i' 1 Ih I Ih tfi- no will not iIimI wlls liiiiilM-rint 11 in tin itir oi nf 1 1 i toil will lofiir.ot fiiPHt wiMi It 1 jIhi 1 1 who vsill f-t 1 1 1 1 1 1 tiMiM tin in .1 mi 1 ,0 1 1 front tun to 1 1 hi 4 Im- I Hi 1- Cifio 1 ion ol prlML' f- I iifftir'lil iut that non ic.i i ni, 1- mu i in favor 4.

Htio'iin; a hi'lor iirnn I It .1 it Ii 1-1 Midi ot (MihdUh rim mar. II a 4 1 4 1 1 tliat Mif fiyur on Ho forpui 1 1 1 1 1 1 aa-I. in vion i if thf (i: io uli (f in I'fttiin on iitnl'fpi riiirf under Ho pe: mu 1 hull I at ion ami. I- lid ho I.oilit Williams. shipbuilder, til' 1 for Hie imlii-lry, ad In- rralilpation that III" I It, ol r'dti'ii down ti In'll-) t.n k-" mid would Ml keep pi lien v.lp'ie a inaiiiifacturei eiibl huv for fpture reiiuiroments 1 Oregon Vnrils Tin' I nile I Slate, Shipping Hoard mlvii'o of Captain John S.

lllaip. of mid i llrcnt Alin rccoiitly visited Hie We-t. formulated a of Ju iliipyards mi he I'aiif'c Coa where It la prompt I to plmo contract, on- the const riu lion of standarl 1 J. 1 1 lou wooden steamers. Kiv the xmils me in 1orHiind, nnl i others in other Oregon ports on I'Lceii Wash ingl on yards also re ei ed lonlrmts.

All have been lull Healed lor llie commission, mid Mjinrl- how hem to lie tali 1 -laid Ipsl ami equipped to 'vr ami i x's tile Government eon 'rails The follows; I'lnHand Ivnin-ular Shlphtiild ni' Conipanv; Stnmlifer, Clarkson Company, Cnlmnlda Itivi 11 1 Ii 1 1 1 1 1 oipocal ion. Columhi Knpim ering Win ln. Supple, Halim iX las kw ond. SI Hclcni NI. Ilclnns Sliiphuild mg Conipanv.

A-ioiia llmiimiind I.umher Com "mix. Mi Id. hern Ship Company ll OP lil'OS. Mai-hfiidd C. A.

Smith I.umhei ompauv Norlh lleml ruse Hanks. TIIK IIOTHI.S I (m444H4m4 AT THE HOTELS 'handler OlC WAIl III 1.1. I'KNDS on Espionagi Emhaigo Censorship unit I lay cil I ny hli-l re w. tu Conn Times. WASHINGTON, May JO.

The ad-j ministration espionage bill as finally agreed upon by Hie lliui-e ami Sen-' ate conferees intituling tl.e newspaper and export cm liar-1 go sections xx a presented for final' passage today in both lum-cs of Ceii.gre.s.i, tmt action defem-t until later. TIMES WANT ADS GET RESULTS 44 I orninr i him Iremier lenient oan ie. Name Will II i I Ifa, ft? 41 1 IV a 4 i tf Tit, I 1 1 1 M.n. I'. mit-i Cl im li nil.

in mi iif ii I to .11 nt on to mi Co ton 1 Cot 1 nt loti: Clfin ih nit 'Im im.i'! 1 tin fit nt Hour, ilin- i. nniiic ulu-li jin--, Hit In I 11114' rot I 1 lop of ihI 11 11 ir IIm 1 11 1 tf Allurin' ut 1 vn ion it 1 tt I of Koo't Vim Mi p.M. not to Know I'c it joiiihir 1 i I 1 1 non out of nil 'H 1 pot I it, 11 f'l Coir own I it, tiv im.t M'ilil' mo1 jilii if riol litt foimift jj 1 hi itl tin 111. Vh, I vrr tiriv of llf iih vsitloiiit tffiniCoi to on i i 1 1 Mif MdUM-imii. I i I tin itn i i ii( 1 id oil 1 1i 1 1 df If f( in imr ioiiii 1 1 Dim tifUf ry insTr ft uoiilil Im1 Hit i tiiriiidi( 4 Tinr in niv Id i I I fd hlf I) fViTV (Mm? iirr li niuLi of Hit MH (MtHhililf, "WV li'HMiffT Hint ilii fl r-i mi vi unit fin i vl nt tin 1 1 Hi nid wltnl 'l (Ifiifinl nnl (irivnNrt sh1ii1I Oh imliNt star rid Ik-uh' T.

Iliiui-vr. you fImhiM know. Mr. I'rf'idfnt, that limit than mif tout rd i i ip 1 (milii saitl to lifs riiiiiiii in an a ii win if 1 1 Udn ill? I ilont 1 him si mi itiM; 1.1 I 1.1 IN. May Ju The We-I iiiiui lor t.i'oita pit hi i hod a moi -age ruin a em re-pendent who says the suhiuatinn 1 1 li a i is being ma-tei'eil by a slliipto UU'I hod, wlih tip i orro-piiiidi'iit iuilhales is Ihd in-x i -i 1 1 inn of an Auieriian "It Is gixing axe.iv no sn ret, the one -pop, blit writes, "to sav that llie met pod, Wlihb is rcpulcd In' I II I a 1 1 1 Ido, required nnlv a III I le lime to leiae illlo full elli'tt amt wear Hie submaiimi it.

It i-a model of simplli tic. "The press lias broil 'jeral In II-aupounri'ini nt of Man ills dovice. bill xv It lln exloinlmg eiicimragemonl to Mareo I It must not Im overhmk-eil tlml I si'iiius who pi'i'fis toil ono of the most nioniiminilal advancoos in marlHmo navig.iHoii lia- doyoiod us iinri'tiiil! in cim-lib'ral ion to Hie mni. o. nml this resnun eful loo.

luis winked toward Hie de-uo along tiplrpontli lit two i I'ornier lleml of l.abor Coiincil I'igbliiig 'on-ci'jpthni. SI-: vrn.l'h Wa Mac Jn 1 1 tilt I ox president of Iho So Central l.abor Conn, il mid for 'hit -oiialid cand'dato lor nmol'. mhI Sam Sadler loimotlv tonnotlod with the Pont -Ion cup'll' I'nioii io aric-tod In a i opi o-enl mve of 'ho I nilod SI lies -i i id -erviio irroil with h. h'iic 1 1 1 ii ipalcd in lie' liianlilion allccod -editiou-loialuie iipi'i'lipc of anti dr.tfl iiiilai- i a i ihiiiod Hiroip'diout Sc Hie pa I oi Aaron I'ldciman, who was arrest I la-1 week on a similar charge lalom iato iipdodv again, t'ol lowim t'io a osi of Wells, So a- rid on l'i Id limn bond. CSE DROPPID iiigeex mid I 'inbc, lenient Clmcge-gum-t lx-lt inker li-mi ed KG.

rii'tmn of Hi udee 1 1 i iMiUo lire Muv J. :t.u in Xi'iim di-l'ii-'Cil t'e On iint Cot" I titdirtment- h.t re mg li Sheri km. ex pe-idcnt of tin i'll Nation. Hank of Hi's cite with rmbr- tome forgot 'Ir Sheridan "as tti used of fore iue the name of John Sonia, an al- "led ('I'hePe piic-t. to promt-- tote in tie -am of l.enn An in i t'nont red Hut Air wphdtiw from the tiiad.

of Airs, l.auta on depo- it the Fi'-t N.t- as-pi 1 1 -1 the Hind to hi- vv a a Sin i rt vva- i I a I I id 'dieted at li' cw di-'t the i 1 i H. i I 'll S' I 1 Y. i rt. (Pv Am. nir 4 lu rM lllf TitSM 1 NKW YOllK, May Jo.

Iluiiald M.o Millan. oxploier. and other niem-l-i 1 of (lie (Tot ki ll. m. I expedition, 1 1 1 1 1 1 wolit Into tin Alt tie in IS'IJ.

are at Ktali. on the northwoft oa-t of tSieerilainl, a rl 1 11 to a ealib pram retonoti the Anieiban Mn i urn of Xatntal IliHtory. The i.thlepram auaoiineinK the of the partv, a-t hoard from In July, I it MS. waa i-ipnnd liy Hr. H.

J. Hutto, itngoon the ox-h 1 tt who had reaeheit the Kaioo on liia way lo Ihnm.uK. I Comer. Small and Ulovey are at Mtali.

Sleann 1). n-inatk (seion.l relief sent after Millan expedilinul is at N'oilli 'Star Hay miles from Ktalu; Kkhlow, peobipi-t at God Haven. NEW DlltlGlltl.i: roll NAVY SIAMIS 1EST Sift ESSI I.V Elies About 301) Ilnurs I'roni Akron, My I I'tc-B to 4(on TIiucn WAKIIINGTtlN. May do. Tie fir-t of Hie ilirigilde balloons being built for the navy, much after tin pattern of Hie Hnlii-li iiiiiili1 an entiivlv -m 1 iligiit yesterday from ('Imago to Akron Ohio.

I.eaving Clibngo at noon stie landed without mi-llap at Akrm about five o'eloi in Hie afti rmioa making an airline distance of alio atm miles. itt: OV IION El MOON Well Know Hike Albany I ion N'exx ly weds I 'oast to A I. MANY, May Ju. Dr. A I.

Howells, a prominent osteopath of tlii- lily, amt NI i talliau Hughes a well known jejjool feather, were mnrnf' I al the liyiue of the brido'a parent 1, Mi ''and Mrs 1 Hughes in (bary street. Only rolativea ol lit it li parties were present. Im-irpdlufoly after Ihu wedding ttie louple left for Coos Hay. going le liain 1 Hock, from xvhero they will spend a few days hiking down the I mast and fishing along the xxay IDI.EKS A UK CEVSKHED liosrtnii-g Grand Would Punish tli'i tvrs of t'npat riot ic Hcuiai ks KOSEIU'HG. May JO Idlers who stand about llie street and utter unpatriotic remarks regarding l.ere today.

In eommenting on alleged utlerariies of these idlers the Grand Jury took oicasion tc mil their attention to a chapter ol the seion laws of pill, which) provides for the arrest and punishment of persons who are without isible means of living and xylto have the physiml uhilily to work. In the conlttding paragraph ot Ihe report, the Grand Jury recoin mends that the sheriff and oth't peace officers of Douglas County arrest and prosecute every person who is detected uttering remarks ngain-t the flag or criticising eminent. ,1 Rl HIED TREASURE DUG 11 l'eiliine of a Eixi-Year-Old Eouml After Years Bov 'Where he buried the money, and all jhts boyish searches pioved futile, The other day. while plow ing. Mr.

Caplinger turned ov the half dollar. and a little sear.h revealed the other two coins. Tod he was in Salem, displacing the lone-burv'd treasute. One of the pi" es buried was oouied in 1T74. and another in I'D).

The third is. badly worn, tho date is oblitera- d. Alilos in I l' 4 liieago lo 1 I V. B. Cnxrrnmriil Want A I Data On llicm Explain I bub ll.llloll Iti-glalrallnn liootlm Mill In open throughout Oregon from 7 o'i In.

to SI o'i lo i in oil war renNUH day lor I ho r'gi' Oathm of nil malt r1 I li-i I lit nger of '21 ami no Ill III In prai'tlmlly nil r. h( ration lioolhu will lorri jioinl lo the regular preilm I voting It aboilhl In llioiomhlv iind'r-atood that every in.iln re-idem tween the are of Jl itinl S'o Inrlualve, miiHt royiii'r. Thla applle lo nliemi a Mill a iit citizen. It make no ,1 1 whether tin1 alioii a .1 1 ll- Chtnaaa, an Italian, ii German, or a (nan of any oilier ii'illnnalliv. Ih-muat reglater, In innininn with all rltUana of I ho designated Ilnlo On Aliens Of cnurne.

nllotm will not l.o diaft ed for tin, army. Ilut thn Him in mcnt dealre a reeord tif llioni. Olio purpona of the wnr eenuK I- lo oh-1 tain arehrate data a to li nunihor and employment of nli im of nnli tary bk now In Ilia United States Tho Government rtimlio-t alo to obtain from tin, com I hi; reiisus Information allowing exintly how ov ery main rttlzen In boat II Mod to ho of aerylco to IiIh enuntry, wholhor In civil or military lift. ConHoquonlly. If oii nro ii mat between thn age of 31 anil year.

Inrlualvn, either an allon or full It r.nn, yon nro tnibjoi to regl-Haliim on tho duy flxod hv tho 1renldeiil Exemption from military sorvho will bo dotorniinoil aftorward. You muat rnglator In your homo tuoilmt If you fall to present yourself, in presenting ynuraolf, give false. ml" leading or Incorrect answers lo tho (luqatloiiH, you arc subject to punish Uieot by linprlMoiimont in Jail. There la no altnrimtlvn of fine. i- iiiiUi STA1IMIAIH All MINT I'Olt HIHIT Iht Not IViint Aim To Keep Silent 1 On Ih'JM'iidonlN I'or Exemption Thn dcdnllml list of uestion-will'll will liuvo lo lie answered all limit) residents of I lie I'nlled States between 31 nml Jo years.

In elusive, Juno bib in the ion for selerllvn niilllaiv eouseripliou have Just been reeelve.1 bv Sheilll Gngo for dlstrlbulion inmmi; (he rep Istrnrs. The slieel Is new belnp blhlted In The Time. Window and gives minute details of the nature el lliu answers exported. One tlilup Is made pl.nn nml Ilia! Is that the government does net wish men who an. will.

in Hie are limit lo let their patriotism and do sire for servbe lo lead them lo eon real Informal Ion tepardinp familie-or relatives who are up on them for support nor do lli.o wish any man to tr lo lu.lo "Pehni pettlecmts or rlnblioii." tin- iliiiil.n states. Fnrthni more, It Is mule plain that any man who I. will in the nee limits who expert- to exemp tloil from milita.v dut on am ground nui-t plainly -o slato In registering. Tho questions a 1 Name ill full 2 Home address. 3 Hate of birth.

4 Are you naiuial l.o it naturalized eitizen. an alien or hax. you declared your intention to In oomo a rttiou" 5 Where were xou born" 6 If not a citizen, of emxn try ro you a eitizon MilMeit 7 -What Is your present tiado or odUe? 8 Ilv whom employ ed and wlicie employed 9 Have you a fa! her, wife, child under 13. or a mot bet -i-tcr i (sp. 'I a brother under 1 upon you for support 10 Married or siir le Race (specify wiilihl? 11 What military -iivu you had? Rime Nation or state? 12 Do you ilaim exemption fain draft? Specify grounds 1 I 444444444444444444444 TIMES WANT ADS GET RESULTS 4 Dr.

R. G. McCall llonioopnllac lli)sblan and Surgeon ISauk ISulldiug, North lb-lid office, res. SaJ. Burmestcr Price llelilb.ts on lie I'bolil, NISI Hr.

ISurmcstc I'lmuo C21 lr. IVieo, ItesiJeoee riiolie 1 ISJ North Head, Oregon i Dr. T. F. Montgomery I PUYii.vr Offleo riiono 411 Simpsfm Ntuili llrml Dr.

A. L. Ian nml Suigeon Irving IMock 11 in 13 a. 111., 3 7 to' p. m.

to phones: Office JIJ-J; lies. vwswwvi-AvAs-swswviAA-i w. G. Chandler AHCIUJECT Ilooms 301 nml 302, Coke llultding Miirslifield, Oregon Dr. H.

M. Shaw Eye, Ear, Nose nml Throat Specialist GI.ASs.KS lJITED Phone d.tO-J. IxiHims 20D-201 i Trying Illock llR. MATTIE D. SHAW rtiystcian and Surgeon Iliono 3J0-J.

Dr Clarke l.yo Speclidist Phono Office lies. 3 Hitt Drs. Pratt lliysiciins Surgeons NORTH HEND, OREGON Dr. Phil J. Keizer 1 Physician Surgeon Office Phono HU1.

lies. Phone Office Hours 11 to 12 2 to 4, nnil 7 to p. m. North Head, Oregon 1 I SOUTH COOS l.IVLi SEllYK'F. LAUNCH SKimtE Leaves Marshfield every day 8 a.

m. Leaves head of river nt 8:30 p. ni. STEAMER RAINBOW Leaves head of river daily at 7 a. m.

Leaves Marsltfield pt 2 p. m. For. charter apply on noard. ROGERS SMITH, Props.

T. J. SC.UIFE (4 A. H. HOtGla Marshfield, AND 'DECORATING CO.

Estimates Furai-hed Phone 139-It. Nlarshf'eld, Oregon Kcontz Garage GENERAL MACHINE i and 1 AUTO REPAIRING Cxy-Acetylene welding plant in connection. N. Front Marshfiej i Plowing and Harrowin bj I am prepared to plow lax prepare vacant Jots for plan ing and gardening. f.

W. H. LINGO riione 227 795 X. First igmiwKju Gorst Kiiii Marshfield North Fare 10c The Pioneer Jitney Line Coos Bay Cities Ten Minute Service betweer 6 a.m. and 10 p.

m. Patronize the Yellow Pennant Cars HAVE THE ROOF FIXED NOW See CORTHELL Phone 3171 reARROW LINE158 STEAMERS S. S. YELLOWSTONE Sails from San Francisco for Coos Bay Saturday, June 2 Phone 44, Smith Terminal Dock for Information C. F.

M'jGeorge Genl Agent, Coos Bay -hip owners concern, particularly tboso who declined to contract at 1 .33 a barrel, calculating that -the ket -would drop. Many Homes are fiimi-licd well at small expense. And kept well ut small exMns4. Do jolt secret This is it. Trade in your old before it becomes xnlueless to-w arils the new.

1 101 will Im- astonished ut (he I'cnint'knhly small layout if you; do your trading here. Going Harvey Co. Hotel Complete Home and Furnishers SAN FRANCISCO Via Eureka A. KILBURN SAILS ALIY. 31 Mrs.

A. s. Gilteiiwater. Powers: i. ink Williams.

Portland: Jos-pli I'' Me Sail I'ranci-co: V. I were rexorely criticised in tiic film Hc-l, Is null'll: Al. fotutri, Portland port of the Hotiglas Coiintv GranJj 'laud II. Myrtle Point; J. A.

Jury, filed with Judge ltamilto! the procedure of the I'niteil Slates in the xvar with Germany Lumber LATH, SHINGLES, MOULDINGS, SSlf, DOORS, ETC. All kinds dimension lumber. Big stock kiln dried finish lumber on hand C. A. Smith Lumber Mfg.

Co. ritone Mill Office 2S5 llmkliu. Sun Finni i-co; Mrs. Jus. Iiulinm.

Gardiner; Clms. Graham. I'H'tlmcr: Win. T. Pnmk.

Portland; II. Mm Klin Poitluiid; A. V. Sltoe- maker. Porllunil; II.

Tiutthier. Sun Holi Clemens, Portland: dm I. Poll. Cliii ago. 111: E.

Iim d-on. Portland: Y. Ixiibli Portland: O. P. law ke, Pnitl.tlul: A i San Eiancisco; E.

J. kcr. Portlund; G. A. Collins, Portland: V.

P. llurrmunii. Port-ami; I'lma Koherts; I). 1). Pierce St.

law retire Kov moi and wife. Salem: Ali-s dan, Salem: Mrs. t). Amort. Sabin, Pan Aloikos.

Powets; A. I' Walkir. Portl. -d; l'. A.

Alyrnk. lake, nle; The-. MU' divant nmer Pilamo Heinke nml family. Powers: J.ihii-oi, J. Wan our Patriotism demand- that every one sub-critic to the Liberty Loan Bond in so far t- lie or -lie is aide.

The bond- will Im i tied in denomination- within the reach of nil and may be paid for in installments if desired. and wife. H.ntdon; AY. s.U.FAI. May 30.

Sixtv-five Wendt: tn Al, l.ood. Handon: years ago when John Caplinger. now Alvei's. Alvitle Point: E. Pax- fainter east of the city, was 3 Auma.

Ati Furl Miller. Mrs u. he had hoarded Sam Hou-ton. Portland: Ip.s parents, needing some ready nngton, Di.tin. ('re A.

'money, borrowed a dollar from the Handon: A. Burre. Fearing they might vtnt more i be buried the other S3 cents -a half i dollar, a quarter and a dime in a I field on the farm. Hut he fergot 'Kivcr; He Chul.n omht Handon l.Ioyd Hotel Mi- I Younger. Empire: Mrs Full information will be tboorfuuly given upon request, and the service- and facilities of tlii- bank are at the di-po-al of the public tuir government without charge in receiving and transmitting application-.

1 fc AYvi-un. Empire: Ko-a Yortnikor. Empire: F. Wil-on and wife. Ce- rutile: Joint Whobtev.

Alvitle Point. Smtth. Kivcrton; H'di't M' Handon: V. E. Handon: F.

Klsbarc. S.or.e. Coqitille' E. iVimaa. Etnpi'e; ooks lies- Mi-- At Herman .1 Al.N.imiua: K.

Bader, Co, ititlloj t'equdle. First National Bank of Coos Bay MARSHFIELD. OREGON. PORTLAND ia A-toria BREAKWATER SAILS MAY SI The Emerald Line For Information, 1W. F.

4444444444444444444444 TIMES WANT ADS GET RESULTS Jj ln so tv The Civo- Ifij Times should hon, in r' Read THE TIMES 4 444 be READ TIMES ADS TOiAY Jv.

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